What is the most important aspect of SEO or Search Engine Optimization?

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a method to improve online presence used by many businesses globally.

A SEO campaign can be helpful for your business if it helps to rank your webpage on the first page of popular search engines, like Google, Bing, and Yahoo etc.

There are various factors on which search engines rely to rank a content like, Content, Page Speed, Keywords, Meta tags, headings and lot more.

A popular search engine Google has revealed that they consider upto 200 factors to rank a page on Google.

As competition is growing day by day, thus search engines are getting smarter day by day and adding other factors as well to rank a page in SERP.

Recent broad core updates are the clue where search engines are really busy upgrading their system to offer better results for users.

We can only win the situation if we follow the legitimate guidelines with continuous efforts towards user intent rather search engine intent.

Yes, more you generate the user friendly content, better the chances of getting ranked on Google top pages.

Here I am sharing few of the nust follow steps to get higher rankings in search engines.

Build an efficient, fast, easy to navigate and robust website:

Building a website which is having a unique content with appropriate media like images and relevant videos is added advantage towards your journey to successful SEO campaign. It should properly navigate the user from one content to another, it should be easy to navigate, simple to understand and should have the better speed all the time.

See this is the base of your SEO campaign hence you should be hundred percent sure that you have created a attractive website.

Do not go with your gut feelings, always test and check the results and then make the appropriate changes accordingly.

Use Proper Headings and Meta tags

You should smartly use the focus keywords in the headings and use LSI keywords or long tail keywords in the content rather using repetitive keywords. Keyword placement is something where you need to take extra precaution as always try to put your keywords with other alternates of the words and phrases throughout the content.

Write attractive Meta titles and description so that if your webpage is appearing in SERP, then a user can immediately click on that by reading your attractive Meta titles and description.

Use Internal & External links to your content

You should always right the content in way where you can also describe the other keywords in the content and can do the internal or external linking efficiently.

Try to put maximum internal links on a webpage to offer a smooth navigation to other pages available on the website.

Use Images and videos to increase engagement.

See graphical examples has more retention rate rather a simple written article hence always try to put adequate media to your content for maximum retention. Doing so makes users to hook up with your content will help your SEO campaign. Do not overflow of images or videos, as I said earlier, it should be adequate numbers of images wherever required, you should also present an analytical data in form of graphs and images to easily understand to users.

Do a proper research

Always do a proper research before writing anything and give credit to the concerned for the stats or any research you are sharing.

See make sure whatever you are sharing with your users is right and legitimate. Try to put your language as simple as you can, so a Layman can also understand what you are trying to say.

Doing a good SEO campaign is a best way to keep your business up to date. See frequency is the key to success; always try to put new fresh content with latest things will added advantage to your SEO efforts.

Manish Mishra

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  • These recommendations are really good and will help to boost the rankings of any website. I like the tips you have enumerated here to improve the SEO for a website. Keep sharing more such insightful posts to educate aspirants and readers about the latest trends in SEO as well as digital marketing

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