$150M Penalty has been imposed on YouTube over children’s privacy breach.

Google once again in lime light not for a good reason but it’s the case related to children’s privacy on Google owned YouTube.

FTC (Federal Trade Commission) is all set to impose the penalty of around $150M on Google for breaching the child privacy policy on YouTube.

The settlement is backed up by the agency’s three republicans and opposed by its two democrats – the decision has made over a deep investigation by FTC and found Google improperly collected the children’s data which comes under violation of Children’s Online privacy Protection Act or COPPA, CNET reported on Friday.

The decision has now under the department of justice to review the details of the fine, however expected amount to be fined on Google is around $150M to 200M.

Earlier the news has revealed that Google could slapped a fine from a late stage investigation by the federal government over YouTube’s handling of children’s video, afterwards platform spoken out that it was considering visible changes to protect its younger content creators and viewers.

However spokes person from both the end has denied commenting on the issue.

FTC has recently imposed a $5B settlement with face book this month on the it’s policies towards the privacy practices and mishandling of the personal information stemming from the Cambridge Analytica controversy.

In addition to the already running inquiries on YouTube, the center of Digital Democracy and campaign for a profit-making free babyhood also approached the FTC suggesting penalties for YouTube.

The agency recommended that all the children data to be deleted, civil penalties plus a $100M fund to be utilized towards the non profitable, high class and assorted content for children, the report favors.

To prevent the future breach of the children’s privacy leak, the agency suggested putting all the children content on the YouTube Kids app which was launched in 2015 dedicatedly for the kids.

Manish Mishra

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